the socket will deform the soft walled socket from its spherical shape to a slipper. The ball migrates into the pressured collapse that it is plowing. This plastic damage is called 'plastic damage' in med speak: dysplasia. The term , Hip dysplasia , by usage default, refers to the socket and not the ball which batters the socket (ball is the hammer – socket wall is the nail). In the old days (not THAT long ago) troubled babies did not survive. Their really super soft hips had no problems as they are not a problem in heaven. But big healthy full term babies – especially the girls – [who are made softer by mother's hormones] - were getting hip flattening from late pregnancy womb compression. Added to that was point pressure by mom's sway back. A lot of girl babies, BIG healthy ones from all that excellent prenatal care and food availability - had flattened hips at birth, especially the left hip [the one pressed on by mom's spine]. Breech babies – both sexes – commonly have one or both hips squished. Unlike flattened ears & noses from womb compression, the hips typically went unnoticed for a while. The age at which it “PRESENTED” [or adults sobered up & noticed] was anywhere from in the nursery to YEARS later. The early ones? Blame MOM = 'congenital'. The later ones? Blame nobody = 'developmental' having just kind of evolved. What?? Don't look at me!

Orthopedics developed treatments to cover the range of discovered damage & displacement of the hip parts. The rate at which hip structure can repair & reshape limits self repair; bad for most late detection cases and some of the more severe early ones. Orthopedic literature is glutted with a rainbow of

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