Uh... No. Remember those babies that were tagged for heaven? Yeah, them. They are now surviving with all the new things we have learned to do. Heaven can and did wait. Late term womb pressure isn't something these tiny kids get to experience, so their hips are as preemie as the baby, but normal . But, their nervous systems? That is another story, a different story. Neurological injury often takes time to manifest as not all the circuits have gotten to where they are going yet. Damage to supportive brain cells isn't seen until that lack of supportive function chips away at the neurons that are missing that support. Again a similar gradual PRESENTATION of hip dysplasia. But it is not the same damage. This new cause (weird muscular pressure) which worsens with time. And the soft socket is pressed flat on the opposite side of the socket as was seen in CDH. Did people notice that the baby population with hip dysplasia is not the same as it was? A few did. But not the majority who are still doing VRO for this which turns the ball further into the flattened problem area rather than away from it (as in CDH/DDH). PDH is NOT CDH nor DDH. It is the mirror opposite. Try to even look up 'PDH'. Good luck. Baby muscles that were soft with having minimal action gradually start getting waves of excessive neurological outflow for a list of reasons. Seizures, over reactive circuits amplify signals. Signal paths get fuzzy and a stream of nerve impulses intended for hither … goes hither, thither & yon, amplified as it spreads & echoes.

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