So who needs this? Not this person (left) who had the dysplasia prevented (SPMLs with ethanol perineural selective focal injections). Below = 19 yr followup.

SPML can reverse SOME that have 'uncovering' and 'mild' displacement, but it isn't guaranteed. Better function – sure. Reversal of hip deformity, maybe. Before we had SLOB intervention we gave many a trial period with SPML alone, as shown above. Things that we know to make luck less likely include seizure activity without good control, dystonia especially with windswept posture, megacolon that isn't remedied, and older patients with less biologic ability to remodel bone. Megacolon? Distended bowel is common in dystonia. Common is not OK. Custer's soldiers commonly had arrows in their chests. Distended bowel sets up a neurological howl that manifests as amplified reflex lower limb dystonic posturing. It causes hip dislocation .

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