
counter technology costs which are eating into our bottom line. Have you seen the rising costs from our security? Hmm?" The man called B.J., still standing and passing folders and pointing out items, spoke, "Those costs are underwritten by ... mmm... our affiliates. They are considered in all projections." The senatorial orator countered, "Not the peripheral costs!" We can't spit with all the government and private agencies that are breathing down our necks and blowing up our asses! Christ! You set goals that have us pissing on thousands of clients per week and expect no backlash? Our ads are a laughing stock. Caring. We care. Nothing but the best. Jokes. Endless bad press is making subscription impossible. Even the fucking hoods can't sell the subscriptions you want. Wouldn't it be prudent.." but he was cut off by a screaming tirade. This organization was not in the prudence business. It was asserted that if they did not meet these projections, then another company would, pushing the very same boundaries every bit as far as these projections defined. It's just a matter of time. The protective ERISA laws would eventually be repealed by congress, "despite all that we pay them." They were in a race to gain share. The current legal cover couldn't last. Future reform was a sure bet. Therefore, squeeze every penny that can be squeezed, capture every investment that can be captured, secure every advantage that could be secured, immediately. It doesn't matter how bad they howl or what they discover as long as the current laws, now in effect, lasted - expensive laws "..paid for by our investors." The ranks already knew the complexities of law. They were experts at twisting, side stepping, and perverting it. When you couldn't just buy law outright, then you smothered it with contracts - the antimatter of equity. Even after the fact process was one-sided

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