
>> Susan's Voice <<

( In the office, a short time back ) It isn't unusual for mothers to elaborate on their own fears through their children's complaints. A morbid fear of cancer will seek out every rib irregularity, every joint prominence, and skin blemish that a child can have. Two painful heels, from nowhere? Could be rheumatism. Aunt Stella had rheumatism. Could cancer show up as heel pain? Two cousins, and a grandfather... But sitting in a waiting room for a grossly overbooked children's orthopedist can be enlightening. Mrs. Hallam began, "Maybe I could have saved you time and my insurance company your fee." Continuing at the smiling curiously facial prompt of Dr. Macaluso, "I recognized two other soccer moms, out there, their kids are also Susan's age. Same league. Same heel pain, too. So, are you going to give Susan the same temporizing heel lifts? Are walking casts in September, really needed? Can't she just stretch those heel cords herself?" The doctor sat comically bolt upright with his eyebrows raised. "Jeez. Well, that depends,.. Susan. Hi sweetie. How old are you?" Her answer was a shy gesture of seven fingers to a furrowed brow backdrop, then flitting around the exam table to sit out of sight on the floor. "Walks on her toes, huh?" Mother was surprised. A hesitant, uncertain n-nooohhh was drawn out as if to really say, "Is that what she's been doing?" Susan did hide it well. Her heels seemed to touch but not press down enough to actually take real weight. In sneakers, that was invisible. Only a subtle lack of wear at the heel edge gave it away - assuming that you looked for such things. The doctor sprang on all fours and cornered his escapee. "Aha. Gotcha.

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