
way. He was just there on a cushy assignment which provided an imprimatur for Frank's decrees. "Sure Frank. No sweat," was about as political as Penchant got. Besides, he really liked the kids. But he knew that his packing both a pistol and a rifle and dressed in the very obvious blue uniform with a belt toting cuffs, mace, billy club, and what was known as a skull crusher - a long steel flashlight - he knew that no amount of brain sucking style was going to "make this shit invisible." Instead, he found his ease with the kids by telling them dirty jokes and letting them look down his girl friend Sally's shirt, when she came to keep him company, which was frequently. Sally was a topless dancer in one of the many go-go bars. She had a small tattoo of George Washington on one breast and another of Abe Lincoln on the other. She was half of the team that billed itself as Rush-More.The kids thought, at first, that the two faces straddling her nipples were the Smith Brothers. If you were good she would jiggle the presidents, but you had to be good. Being good meant, "Don't give me shit." "Who's the guy wif the beard?" little Daryl asked. Penchant reprimanded, "Don't you know Lincoln? He freed you goobers." "We was freed by a tittie?" as he was whisked away, the other kids laughing. "Man. No hope for these kids. Hey, who's going to the riots next Wednesday?" Gerry asked. Most of the kids chimed in that they would definitely be there. Off duty lifeguards asked, "What riots?" Penchant and the children were talking over each other's words about the riots that were planned for next Wednesday. Sally was missing all this, showing one of the young girls the correct way to wiggle boobs, "No. Not so fast. Gotta give them time to get there and back." Her very bleached blonde hair was a great counterpoint to the whole place. It was even hard to notice her nipples, they didn't contrast with this place near as much as her hair.

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