
>> Clear Justice <<

The cafeteria was unusually hustling today, abuzz with spirited deliberations over the current events. There was hot news, ongoing news. Would it spread here as it did back in the sixties? The news was the Los Angeles riots. The range of opinion represented the compass of personal prejudices, the circumscription of real factual knowledge. Were these medical professionals to practice their healing art with the same ignorance they tolerated in their political arguments, the dead would pile high, surely. The movement of chaotic discussion paused on guns. "That's the interesting thing about reality as opposed to philosophy. In reality, slight discrepancies kill. Reality is Darwinian. Either your way of thinking keeps you alive or not." At least this was de rerum natura according to Bill Natureman, classic conservative, outdoorsman, father of three, and anesthesiologist. Contending that a scientific discussion of gun ownership by the populace would require two equal populations, equally possessed of wealth and education - one armed and one not - a body count at the end of some period, would settle the issue. His unexpected comrade, strangely enough, was Macaluso, who muttered without Bill's enthusiasm, that history has already done exactly that. "Unarmed populations at peace with the earth became the cattle of armed populations at peace with their power." He then muttered, "Power goes as far as other power lets it go." That amendment, added offhandedly, drew little comment. Thus egged on, Natureman asserted further, that the argument of the right of citizens to bear arms was clear in the constitution, insisting passionately that the narrow misinterpretation of this right being confined merely to state formed militias was stupid

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