
economoc philosophy, children were abused in their sweat shops. Young men lost limbs to their uncaring plunder - uncompensated. That unfettered raw capital-ism shroud bedecked their alter of greed and made it sanctified. Holy. You can't get away with diddley in the name of Stalin-ism or Nazi-ism today - you'd be eaten alive. But any child can be sacrificed, plunged into an abyss of neglect under the indifferent immoderate obsession called naked capital-ISM. That's our mantra, our veneer, our cosmetic on plunder. We equate capitalism with America. But what kind? Raw? Didn't we have a history to reign in the huge potential for abuse and acquisition of power? It's OK, it is expected that there be rules in football and baseball. We expect guidelines to be enforced or the game is tainted. But those money fisted blood suckers cry foul if their lopsided game even has a referee! Christ, even boxing has rules and a ref! But it is unAmerican to suggest that capitalists should have ANY limits on what they can do. And look at how they do it, they do it with our power! We the people. Look at what these turds are doing to our children! But when the mob encircles them with torches, they wave their hand hypnotically and utter - 'free enterprise' - 'capitalism' - and poof the torches are extinguished and the mob reduced to dust. A gust of wind blows from the west and the dust, too, is gone . To hell with the children, this is free market! This is capitalism. Capitalism is Darwinism. Long live Spencer. Helping the weak is poor for our race. Letting the strong trample the weak, strengthens us! Somehow, protection of the people through balance of power sought by and guaranteed us by our constitution plays second fiddle to bloodsucking guys in suits. Why? Just one thing though, how's this different from the Nazis? Is it the strong over the weak or rather the dishonest and self-serving over the honest and unsuspecting? Is a

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