
McGuiness, wild man, poet, avenger, according to her account, was marvelous at the post wedding reception where he made his surprise dark appearance. It was his presence which made that wedding an event people still talk about. It even made the papers despite the organizers' claim that it was a McGuiness impersonator doing the recitations. Nobody believed that for a minute. "He's still wanted," Shannon seemed proud to share, although the truth was his kind of wanted was a covert shoot to kill kind of want. There was nothing of threat in the form of legal process which had nothing on him. His very existence was an embarassment, icon of vulnerability of the ruling powerful. Powerful people feared McGuiness emulation. Shannon knew this, but this was home talk, not public stuff, though Macaluso had heard it all. He joked, in a reference to Irish whisky, that the Black Bush told more truths than the burning bush. But there was no whiskey to be had at The Table, so truths were not comprehensive nor self evident. "Uh, I don’t get it, Price? Irish? Not O'Priceahan, or McPrice, or GilPriceenenny.." He was still testing out Irish convolutions on the name Price as Shannon backed up a bit. "Well, I guess. Yeah. He's, well... how do I put it... he is Irish.. technically.. modern technically, that is, but not historic technically, or by asociation of blood line.." as Macaluso almost choked on his coffee, blurting, "Blood line? Shannon! What in hell are you babbling about?" But her response was even more unsettling as he just roled his eyes, lips to the table, head covered beneath his arms. "This is weird. Don't ever call me weird again." "He's an Orangeman, but his wife is Catholic. Their daughter, too, Maeve, I think her name is, yeah. She's Catholic." Shannon went on unshaken. To this she added that Price's future son-in-law, another Orangeman, is in many ways like his new father-in-

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