HARP line tool
Actual stick figures (wooden sticks) were built by B&F from their data as well as advanced maps (eg hysteresis curves) and calculations from cadavers of centers of mass of each body part. Later, widely used was strobe
lighting which made the capture of sequence easier but required other calculation gymnastics to get at reportable data.
Well, not exactly rocket science?
But it was! ==>
[Using high speed film] Also Dr. Dudley of the Smithsonian
Astrophysical Observatory, over the phone, gave us the math to track an object that can't be seen if you know other objects that circle it (hip circled by knee and mid-neck). An advertising firm on the Boston perimeter that did Channel 5 commercials (the 5 image tumbled into view) also helped us to efficiently embed
coordinates (each body part having its own spatial existence). Then there was the Harvard Math vs the MIT engineering dormitories vying for fresh made apple pies to answer new obscure problems . Then came video... and video engineers...
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