You will notice in this library that knee angle graphs get disproportionate attention. The reason is that just about every detail of walking that can be functionally benefited is also present in the knee graphs. One ring to rule them all my precious? Not obvious. But, it is all in there. Even so, there is a more pressing reason for this choice. The knee angle graphs is generally seen as what the knee is doing. ?? What THE KNEE is DOING? Knee is doing he doing? Brace yourself, here it comes… The knee is NOT DOING nearly EVERYTHING it “is doing”. At nearly every segment along that graph we see what momentum, inertia, energy from toes, feet, ankles braces, and hips are doing TO the knee which is accommodating all of it! It isn’t a graph of a knee DOING but rather a knee accepting what is being done through it from all directions near and far. It is a window to the complex interactions that ALLOW eccentric control to exist. If eccentric accomodation is cut off, then concentric (brute force) takes over. [Read the Range vs Resist book]. In it we see when and from where things go astray in timing and degree. We see hip and ankle FUNCTIONAL contributions better than in their own scientificy looking graphs with cute ‘normal’ envelopes.

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