Cerebral Palsy maybe/maybe not
Well, the point is that injury to the brain can affect sensory mechanisms as well as sensory input. And further, that may be seen as awkwardness. GIGO, garbage in, garbage out. Without adequate input data or processing of that data, even an intact motor system will appear faulty. In hemiplegia, due to middle cerebral artery blockage, the sensory region of the brain is right in the problem area. It could even be more involved than the motor area depending on the luck of having alternate branching blood vessels handy. Very typically, the sensory loss to the upper extremity is the more serious loss. It can be severe enough to not even register the limb as part of self. This is important. The hand is primarily a sensory driven part. No matter how good we make the arm or hand look, if sensory function is poor then function will be poor. The reverse issue is more interesting. No matter how bad the part looks, if sensory testing is found to be good, then any postural improvement or motor repair will be used to increase function. For many, transfers and releases in the upper extremity are to enable donning clothing - specifically to enable getting the arm to and the hand through a sleeve. For others it is to not stand out in a crowd because of a strange posture. A USA presidential candidate solved that by having a pen in his paralytic hand making the fixed posture appear contextual. Recent emphasis has been placed on an old idea. We know that motor function can be reassigned if young enough. How about sensory function? Eye patches have been used for years to promote weak side usage. Periods of good side restriction have been used to promote weak side usage and avoid the progressive lessening of weak side input. But how about weak side discrimination? Games that are based on detection and description are valuable. So, reach under the blanket and bring out the large block. Now find the nail file, not the Popsicle stick. Which is the warm spoon? Things like that. Try to bring out
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