Cerebral Palsy maybe/maybe not
heading to the spindles. That would cause a small % of muscle fibers to be denervated. Denervated muscle involution replaces muscle units with scar. That could account for the long bands of non-growing fiber that seems to gravitate to the high speed muscle areas. A theory or a mnemonic, it fits. So a PVL kid makes a move and his own undampened hyper spindles send out confounding reflex signals as the needed expectation setting was never received. This is spasticity in parallel robbing normal mechanisms of inertia & Energy. The pendulums sought by walking are dampened by an envelope of pointless reaction from many locations. We have the same need as with the elastics experiments – to find a new wheel to travel on - the 6 th wheel, we will call it. Read the Range v Resist book on our shelf – a must read. Here is a snippet. This is a young girl.
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