Cerebral Palsy maybe/maybe not
Neurotransmitter abnormalities or medication problems
Neurons must divide to increase their number then sprout long branching filaments which must migrate among billions of other neurons to form associative connections. The chemistry used by a neuron has a pedigree. So the chemistry of one path (green) is not the same as nearby paths traveling the same general winding way
(blue & red & black in the illustration).
Substances that affect the minds of adults do so, usually, by neurochemistry.
Alcohol affects neurochemistry. Anything that affects neurochemistry might also affect the step-wise processes of brain formation : cell division, migration, connection and also myelination (a special coating to make signal conduction speed faster). Maternal shared alcohol ruins baby brains. Cocaine does it in most subtle but scary ways (impulsive children blind of consequences). Low thyroid function, when uncorrected, guarantees profoundly low IQ. When you list the really bad causes of developmental brain conditions we find many can be prevented. Genetics is finding really subtle abnormalities that impair brain function.
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