Cerebral Palsy maybe/maybe not

It is very possible that the amount of energy demanding packets for certain tasks is more than can be generated in real time. So, there has to be both surplus reservoirs to hold reserves and inactive periods to catch up – yawn… zzzzzzzzz

General Terms You Hear in Cerebral Palsy Clinics

Monoplegia Paraplegia Triplegia Quadriplegia - words that pretend that the speaker can count to four - in Greek. These terrible words just won't go away and are typically sought by insurers as if they actually had medical meaning. They don't. Hemiplegia - one side of the body involved. The opposite side of the brain probably lost flow to the middle cerebral artery by any of several means. Plugged by a clot? Hemorrhage can also do this.

Typical of hemiplegia from damage to the brain region served by the middle cerebral artery, or one of its branches, has more dense involvement of the arm than of the leg as the hand and arm representation on the brain surface is in an area with less cross flow from other vessels. Sensory and motor are in this arterial flow zone so sensory loss in the arm can be severe. From knee down the brain region is in the area between the hemispheres where anterior and posterior arteries have some contribution. Thus hands worse than feet.

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