Carry G.F.E. McGuiness
Carry me down, Sean Carry me down. Fury in the valley carries through the air So, carry me down, Sean Carry me down. Carry me down, Michael Carry me down. Duty of a man is not duty to a chair. Michael, carry me down. Eamon! This fight belongs to all who care. So, carry me down, Eamon. Eamon! Carry me down! Carry me down, John. Carry me down. I'll pipe the burdon loud and strong And if you have some rounds to spare I'll see they find their fare. John! You? Blessed vision. Maid of tears. You, alone, the one who dares? Bless you Maeve to carry me down, To see me, as I am, Heart and soul of honor sound, Intact, in mind, as man.
What's the point of merely living, Nature unforgiving? Through women's nurture, Unrelenting passion heals, Unrepenting.
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